In recruitment, we discuss risks with candidates all the time; is this the right move for you?
it’s a risk but is it worth the risk?

So start by drilling-down into what’s at stake. What happens if I attend, or don’t attend.
In terms of recruitment, and in the current marketplace which is candidate driven at present,
we discuss with candidates called for interview why they should attend interview. I know it
sounds a bit strange but there are cases where we have to encourage candidates to attend interview.

We find reluctant candidates, are of the mindset that they almost have the job when, in fact,
we have to explain that, you’ve been called for interview, not offered the job….just yet!
Why are they reluctant? In most cases, it’s because they may have other interviews lined-up
so we need to examine the why not.

When evaluating the risk have to ask the question, why not attend the interview; worst case
scenario, you attend the interview and you’re unsuccessful, you’re no worse off; best-case
scenario you crush the interview and get offered the job – result.

I remember one case, where I spent half hour on the phone with a candidate pleading with her
to attend an interview with my client, she went, reluctantly, however she did an amazing job
at interview was offered the job, joined the company and went on to stay with that company
for many years, progressing through the ranks.

Why the big turnaround; when she went into the office, she got a great sense of the company
culture, atmosphere and of course speaking with the decision makers at interview, really got a
handle on what the job entailed which changed her perception of things and ultimately
changed her life.

So while attending interviews may be risky, my advice would be to keep an open mind to
opportunities that arise, taking a risk could change your life for the better.

To quote, Steven Bartlett (Entrepreneur & Businessman), “If you’re always avoiding risk,
you’re risking missing out on life”

Thanks for reading!
Marsh Mackey


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