Resolutions are not just for January.
Marsh Mackey

Resolutions are not just for January.

Happy New year everyone!

I wonder do many people stick to their resolutions; it got me thinking; over the years I did the resolution thing and of course, more often than not, it just didn’t happen, I’d get to the end of the year and still hadn’t learned Italian or Irish. I’d brush it off, “I didn’t have the time” was my main excuse and then I’d feel bad about myself.

About 3 months ago, I was listening to a very good podcast, Diary of a CEO with Life Coach Marie Forleo, who said something that really resonated with me – she said that when we have these goals on our ‘to do’ list but never get to them, it’s generally because we don’t actually prioritise them, so, while at the back of my mind, learning Italian and Irish were my goals it never happened because I didn’t MAKE TIME for it.  It was as simple as that.

I had time to do work-related courses and lots of other things, but I didn’t ‘make the time’ for what I really wanted to do.  The fact is, I did have the time, I just chose to use that time for other things.  It was a real eureka moment for me.

The universe works in mysterious ways; I’m not kidding when I say a course pamphlet dropped in my letter box last week and I’ve just enrolled in Comhrá Gaeilge course which I’m completely apprehensive about, but excited!

So, my point on spilling all this is to get people thinking about their goals for 2023, what do you want for yourself? if you’ve been putting-off doing a course or moving jobs then just ask yourself ‘why am I am I not doing what will make me happy?’

You know yourself best and then go for it, you won’t regret it.

Thanks for reading!
Marsh Mackey


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