I was listening to a podcast recently and they discussed burnout and why so many of us are feeling it.  I can’t think of the podcast name now but it made a really good point that we, as a society, are still recovering from the fallout of Covid and that a lot of society is stressed. But when you think of it, those of us here, survived a pandemic.  It’s huge.  I’m looking forward to that particular ‘reeling in the years’.

As employers are dealing with re-structuring working patterns, retaining staff while keeping the doors open, it can lead to busy and tired brains.

Common signs of burnout: Feeling tired or drained most of the time having worked in a physically or emotionally draining role for a long time and can also occur from under stimulation and no progress.

Our experience with candidates, this year is, some are feeling underappreciated (which is not new feedback) and some having tried remote working are finding it’s exactly that, remote, and they want to move back into an office environment where there is some social/office engagement.

Salaries have jumped across the board, however, as we all know so has the cost of living and while salary is always important, we’re finding it is not the main driving force for job moves: Career progress and quality of life seems to be high on everyone’s list.

What we have found from our research is when candidates are in a job that provides job satisfaction, growth, and variety, they rarely feel burnout.

Having seen the negative effects of burnout on both employers and employees over recent years, through our experience and knowledge we focus on understanding employer needs and matching our candidate requirements to those needs.

So if you’re looking for growth in your next job, or looking to recruit someone motivated, then give us a call.




Thanks for reading!
Marsh Mackey


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